Return of The Juniors

For the first time in over a year, we opened our doors to welcome back the members of our junior club to summer scheme, and it was amazing. We had 64 young people sign up for the programme, and it was fantastic to see so many familiar faces returning to the club, as well as some new ones too.

To make up for missing out on last year, Maxine and the team planned and delivered the most action packed two weeks with loads of different fun games and activities and trips.

“The kids couldn’t wait to get back to Goal Line and play with friends again.” - Parent

We had Healthy Kidz come to the club to deliver an outdoor sports programme, including lots of sports which our young people had never tried before, like athletics or netball.

The young people got to try their hand at clay sculpting as part of a clay workshop delivered by Elly & Trevor Woods. The kids got to mould and sculpt their clay into some fabulous farm animals, before they were fired in the kiln, and brought back to the club for a coat of paint.

As well as this, the kids took part in an ‘about me’ art workshop, delivered by Karen Brown, in which they each drew a self portrait and were encouraged to talk about the positive things which make them special as individuals. 

It was really wonderful to finally be able to bring the group out on some trips again. The group headed off to Airtastic trampoline park for a bounce and some ten pin bowling, as well as Craigavon Ski Centre to go snowtubing and for a round of footgolf. The young people were over the moon to be able to leave the centre for the first time since Covid, and had an absolute ball on both of our days out.

On the final day of the programme, we had Phil’s farm come to the centre with a variety of animals for the young people to pet and feed. From taking alpacas for a walk to riding a pony and cart, our young people couldn’t contain their excitement with one boy claiming it’s the ‘best day I’ve ever had’. 

Over the course of the programme lunch was provided hygienically and safely every day from Unch Portadown who sent crisps, juice, and individually wrapped sandwiches for each of the young people to enjoy. 

Goal Line would like to extend a massive thank you to the Education Authority for their funding contribution to this project. The EA funding allowed these great activities to be booked, as well as covering the costs of lunch and snacks over the two weeks which was a great help to many families.


Christmas at Goal Line 2022


Cook-it Programme 2020