Christmas at Goal Line 2022

The Goal Line staff put on another fantastic, relaxed Christmas event at the Bleary Business and Community Centre this year, in partnership with Armagh, Banbridge Craigavon Borough Council, and hosted by the fabulous BNL Productions.

The event, which caters for young people with additional needs was run over two weekends and saw over 60 young people and their families experience the tour.

For some young people with complex needs, the bright lights and large crowds can make things difficult around Christmas time. These young people may be unable to attend a busy Christmas party, or wait in line at Santa’s grotto, which is why this event was planned.

At the relaxed Christmas weekend, each child was assigned a time slot, so that they could have the whole place to themselves.

Goal Line Christmas 2022

They were greeted at the door by one of Santa’s elves, who took them on a magical tour!

Along the tour they got to explore the soft play sensory room, complete with bubble tubes and play mats, as well as experience the VR headset too.

Santa’s elves helped them whip up a delicious hot chocolate, topped with cream and marshmallows! Mrs Clause taught them how to make reindeer food, which they could leave out for Rudolph and the gang on Christmas eve.

The next stop on the tour was for some storybook reading, before moving on to the arts and crafts room, where they got to make their own fake snow!

The final stop on the tour was at Santa’s grotto, where they each received a present. As well as the chance to take a photo with the big man himself!

Santa took the time to chat to each of the kids, as well as communicate through sign for those that were non verbal. Which was extremely well received by both parents and young people. 

Feedback from the parents was extremely positive, with one mother saying that “these are memories that will last forever”.                                                                     


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