Goal Line Grotto 2024

For Christmas 2023, here at Goal line we put on our very own relaxed Christmas experience here at the centre. Catering for young people who struggle to cope with the busy high street grottos, we crafted an experience where they could really take their time and enjoy the festivities.

When the kids arrived, they were paired up with their very own helper elf. The elves were like their personal guides, taking them on an adventure through the festivities. The first stop was the arts and crafts table, where write and design a personal letter to Santa! They could decorate them with glitter, stickers, and all sorts of fun stuff. But the fun didn't stop there, Oh no! The next stop was the reindeer food station. They got to whip up their very own bag of reindeer food! Can you believe it? They left it out for Rudolph and his buddies on Christmas Eve. I bet those reindeer were so grateful for the yummy treat!  Everyone had the opportunity to make a hot chocolate cone to take home to enjoy later.

The families got time to pose with the different props to create some wonderful memories. The elves were able to take the photos so the whole family could be involved.  

After that, they headed over to hear some amazing stories from Mrs. Claus herself. She's the queen of holiday tales! And there was even a sensory play area! They could explore and have a blast with all sorts of textures and sensory toys. 

And finally, the grand finale! They got to meet Santa Claus himself. Can you imagine the excitement? They got to share their Christmas wishes and dreams with the jolliest guy around. I bet Santa had a big smile on his face hearing all those heartfelt wishes. Everybody involved really went above and beyond to create a special, child-friendly Christmas experience. It was all about making the kids feel comfortable, relaxed, and full of holiday cheer. I'm sure it was a memory they'll cherish forever. Keep spreading that holiday magic! 

The event was such a success thanks to a combined effort and generosity from everybody involved, including Hope Church, Wendy’s House Childminding, Deputy Lord Mayor Sorcha McGeown , Lyn Doak, and Marie & Josh McBride and Robyn Keegan.


Another Super Summer!